113 Composition Submission Portal, Sponsored by:

Have you been inspired by the music of 113 Collective and Studio 113 to create a performance of your own? Have you written your own experimental piece for some of us to perform?

We'd love to see or hear recordings of you performing experimental works such as the ones featured in our video series "Experimental Vocal Music and Graphic Notation" (scores and videos), and we can't wait to perform and post our performances of the experimental musical pieces you've created for us!

You can submit your recordings and scores through the portal below.

Questions? Shoot us an email at studio113@113collective.com


Studio 113 Composition Portal SUBMISSIONs

Check out this amazing new music composed by YOU!

New Music composed by Alysson and performed by Alyssa Anderson!

New Music composed by Elliot and performed by Ben Klein!

New music composed by Jocie and performed by Sam Krahn!

New Music composed by Henry and performed by Tiffany Skidmore!

New Music composed by Michael and performed by Kyle Hutchins!


New Music composed by Angel and performed by Justin Anthony Spenner!

Check out these amazing PERFORMances BY duo Gelland!

Studio 113 was developed to demystify new music for young learners of all backgrounds, giving students opportunities to learn, innovate, and express themselves through critical listening exercises, inter-arts activities, music composition, and performance.

Check out Studio 113’s first pedagogical publication
Diving Deep, a collection of progressive piano etudes for young musicians. Available here.


Check OUT our “Is This Music?!?!” video and PODCAST series, hosted by Justin Anthony Spenner. in THESE VIDEOS, Justin and friends introduce DIY instrument-building, devised theater and improvisation, graphic music notation, and home-made contact microphones!

Watch our 5-episode class on experimental vocal music and graphic notation, led by soprano Alyssa Anderson and baritone Justin Spenner, on YouTube.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.